Experience the world’s first luxury travel subscription

Subscribe to luxury travel for $2,550 per month, all nightly rates, taxes, and fees included.

Vacation well, vacation often

As an Inspirato Pass subscriber, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of the Inspirato Club, plus the flexibility to choose how many Pass Trips to enjoy each year through your monthly subscription that includes nightly rates, taxes, and fees.

How Inspirato Pass works

Browse the list

Browse the list of more than 1.5M Pass Trips in 100+ destinations around the world.

Use Pass Days

Choose a trip and put your Pass in use towards a reservation for a specified number of Pass Days.

Do it again

When the required Pass Days elapse, your Pass is available to reserve your next Pass Trip.

Use the Club

Enjoy all the access, service, value, and benefits of the Inspirato Club at preferred pricing.

Inspirato Pass Features and Pricing

  • Choose Pass Trips from a list of more than 1.5M trips including Inspirato homes, top hotels and resorts, cruises, and unique travel experiences.
  • Nightly rates, taxes, and fees are included for all Pass Trips.
  • Hold multiple Pass reservations at the same time.
  • Flexibility to choose how many Pass Trips to enjoy each year.
  • Enjoy all the access, service, value, and benefits of the Inspirato Club at preferred pricing.
  • First-class personalized Inspirato service on every trip.
  • When you can't travel, use your Pass for lifestyle merchandise and local experiences.
  • No long-term commitment; cancel your subscription at any time.

Monthly subscription fee


Inclusive of nightly rates, taxes, and fees

Enrollment fee: $2,550

No long-term commitment;
cancel at any time


Subscription fee of $2,550/month includes $2,200/month for lnspirato Pass and preferred pricing of $350/month for lnspirato Club. Club subscription includes access to all Club benefits including flexibility to reserve Club travel outside the Pass Trip List.

Frequently Asked Questions

Interested in learning more about Inspirato Pass?

We're here to answer your questions. Contact our team at (888) 625 - 7525 or email us at info@inspirato.com.